About Us
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Merchant Support
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We are always trying to improve the experience we give our customers, be it with customer service, software, or our online assets. DL Payments’ Integrated Payments Platform allows us to provide our customers with a set of solutions like Next Day Funding, which means our customers receive their funds faster. Additionally, the overall integration was a seamless process, which made it easier for us to continue focusing on our product and customers.
Alex Martinez
Our Mission
To provide the best local merchant support in order to ensure smiles, savings and solutions.
Focus on saving you money
Recognizing the unique needs of every industry, we offer a fully personalized, local approach to Merchant Services. We provide integrations with your existing systems to provide seamless operation which will save you time and money.
Fair Pricing Every Time
DL Payments guarantees a transparent and simple pricing for the life of the account. We also believe in no rate increases, ever! Other processors increase their rates every three to six months; though nominal at first, it adds up over time!
No Contracts and Free Terminals
Expertly connecting merchants with the right solutions to suit their business and customers’ needs. We believe that a merchant should process with us because they truly want to, not because they are forced to. We operate entirely in a no-contract environment.
Our commitment to excellence, robust network, and innovative platform ensures that our merchants will always have the best technology experience.